Friday 15 January 2016

15th January, St Maurus, Abbot

St Maurus, Abbot

Haying been committed in his earliest childhood by the Senator Eutychius, his father, to the care of St. Benedict, the great Patriarch of the monks of the West, St. Maurus faithfully reproduced all the virtues of his Master. The latter having commanded him to save young Placid who was drowning, he walked with simple confidence on the waters of a torrent and brought him back safe and sound. Haying been sent to Gaul according to a tradition, he promulgated "the Holy Rule of St. Benedict", founded the monastry at Glanfeuil and wrought many miracles.

By his doctrine, permeated by evangelical perfection, and by his works, that is to say by thousands of abbeys which during twelve centuries covered France, and which all sprang from the one he had founded, he bore striking testimony to the divinity of Jesus. He died in 584.
Intercéssio nos, quaesumus, Dómine, beáti Mauri Abbátís comméndet: ut, quod nostris méritis non valémus, ejus patrocínio assequámur.
May the intercession of the blessed Abbot Maurus, we beseech Thee, O Lord, commend us unto Thee, that what we cannot have through our own merits, we may obtain through his patronage.

From the Catholic Encyclopaedia:

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