Stans in Oratorio, dilectus Domini Benedictus, Corpore et Sanguine Dominico munitus, inter discipulorum manus imbecillia membra sustentans, erectis in coelum manibus, inter verba orationis spiritum efflavit, qui per viam stratam palliis, et innumeris coruscam lampadibus, coelum ascendere visus est.
V. Gloriosus apparuisti in conspectu Domini.
R. Propterea decorem induit te Dominus.
R. Propterea decorem induit te Dominus.
Deus, qui pretiosam mortem sanctissimi Patris Benedicti tot tantisque privilegiis decorasti: concede, quaesumus: ut cujus memoriam recolimus, ejus in obitu nostro beata praesentia ab hostium muniamur insidiis. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Benedict, the beloved of our Lord, whilst standing in the Church, having been fortified with the Body and Blood of the Lord, supporting his failing limbs on the arms of his disciples, with his hands upraised to Heaven, breathed forth his soul amidst words of prayer, and was seen ascending into heaven by a path most richly hung with tapestry, and lit up with countless lamps.
V. Thou didst appear glorious in the sight of the Lord.
R. Therefore did he clothe thee with beauty.
R. Therefore did he clothe thee with beauty.
O, God! who didst adorn the precious death of most holy Father Benedict with so many and so great privileges; grant we beseech thee, that at our death we may be defended from the snares of our enemies, by the blessed presence of him whose memory we celebrate. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In Prinknash Abbey of the Benedictine Subiaco Congregation this prayer is said in the following form:
ReplyDelete"STANDING in the Oratory
Benedict, whom God so loved,
strengthened with Holy Communion,
and supporting himself on the arms of his disciples,
died, praying, with his hands raised to heaven,
and his soul was seen to ascend heavenwards
on a path strewn with rich coverings
and shining with innumerable lights.
V. In the sight of God you appeared most worthy.
R. Therefore He clothed you with beauty.
Let us pray:
O God, who adorned the precious death of our Holy Father, Saint Benedict,
with so many and such great priveleges;
grant, that when we come to die,
we may be defended from the snares of the Enemy
by the blessed presence of him
whose memory we recall.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.